Team Managers

One of the most important groups that keep the club running is the Team Managers. Each team must have a Manager. And the good news? The position is not all that hard!

Team Manager's Duties

  1. Arrive 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the game.

  2. Select player's names on electronic scoreboard, located on each court's score bench. This can't be done until the preceding game has finished.

  3. If a player is new and playing for the first time you will need to enter their details(first name, last name, date of birth, uniform number, etc.) on the electronic scoreboard. New Senior players must also complete the blue WBA registration/insurance form and pay a $6.00 registration fee at their first game.

  4. The Club prepays for Junior score sheets so there is no requirement to collect money each week. Senior Team Managers arrange how their team will pay team sheet fees.

  5. Each team must provide a scorer every week. Arrange for someone to score on behalf of the team. Some team managers have found that a good system is to develop a roster of parents for the season. Training can be provided to people on how to use the electronic scoreboard and also the operation of the game clock

  6. Sit on the bench, with the team, to help at time outs with drinks for players and any other matters that may occur during the game.

  7. Pass on any necessary information from the Club to the players and parents.

Team managers are supported by our Team Manager Supervisor on the Committee, Sumi Sundram. Sumi (always smiling) is a fantastic resource for all things Team manager related and just about everything else about the club.